Business Management

Students in a lecture

Business Management - Certificate - Human Resources Specialist

Employment Information

Data are provided on a program (not credential) level

69% BTC graduate placement rate1

$77,663 starting annual wage2
$104,503 average annual wage2
$142,686 potential annual wage2

  • Employment and Wage Data Sources

    1Employment data come from the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) and reflect WA/OR employment for students enrolled at BTC between 2017-18 and 2019-20. Students are included in the employment rate if they left with a credential. Rates are not shown for programs with fewer than 10 students meeting the above criteria.

    2Whatcom County and WA State wage data come from Washington State Employment Security Department (ESD) 2021 Occupational Employment and Wage Estimates and reflect 2018-21 employment. Wage data represent occupations that BTC faculty have identified as the most relevant career paths for program graduates. Note that these wages reflect employees with varying educational levels/credentials. For cases in which multiple occupations have been identified by faculty, a weighted percentile is calculated using each occupation’s percentile wage and employment size estimate. Wages are not shown for programs for which occupations do not meet the ESD’s minimum thresholds for publishing. If the program has wage data from the Washington SBCTC that involves shift work, these ESD wages reflect the same number of hours used in the annual wage calculation. Starting wage = 25th percentile, median wage = 50th percentile, wage potential = 75th percentile.

  • Estimated Program Costs

Tuition Fees and Rates overview page

Entry Information

When Can I Start?

Students may begin this program Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer quarters.

What are the Minimum Entry Requirements?

Admissions application and assessment testing in Reading, Math and Writing is required. Your score on the test and/or your previous transcripts will determine where you begin your course sequence. Contact Admissions at 360.752.8345 or at for assistance with academic planning.

What are My Next Steps?


Total Program Credits: 20

  • Current Students: Learn how to use this page to register for classes

  • Program Specialty

  • BUS& 101Introduction to Business5 CR
  • BUS 137Introduction to Human Resources5 CR
  • BUS 138Introduction to Compensation & Benefits5 CR
  • BUS 139Introduction to Employment Law & Labor Relations5 CR

Program Outcomes

Students will learn core business practices, principles, and theories allowing them to make immediate and significant contributions in the workplace. Students will gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to coordinate human, financial and material resources to achieve organizational objectives while adhering to government guidelines.

Students completing the Human Resources Specialist track will also be able to:
  • Describe the unique roles of Human Resources professionals and their impact on the organization;
  • Explain the primary processes of workforce planning, job analysis and design, training and development, compensation and benefits, and performance appraisal;
  • Identify the key federal and Washington state employment laws, regulations, and terminology;
  • Develop a written strategic compensation plan.

Employment Outlook

Human Resources Specialist:

Students pursuing the Human Resources Specialist track may begin working as an entry-level Human Resource Specialist, Training and Development Specialist, Benefits Coordinator or Human Resource Generalist. Small and large businesses, healthcare organizations, government agencies, and education are examples of areas that need the expertise of a human resource management specialist. In May, 2016, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported an anticipated .5% rise in this occupation with a mean annual wage of $64,890.

This data is supported by ONet’s findings which report an anticipated growth rate range of 5% to 9% and a median annual wage of $59, 180. It is noted that the median annual wage for this occupation in Washington is reported by ONet as $62,010; 5% higher than the national median wage.

Faculty & Support

  • Degrees and Credentials

    BA, Business/Management, University of Phoenix

    MBA, Business Administration, University of Phoenix

    Certificate, Professional in Human Resources, HR Certification Institute

    Certificate, Certified Professional, Society for Human Resources Management

    Certificate, Professional Technical Education, Washington State


If you have questions about this program or want help with the admissions steps to Bellingham Technical College, please email

Current students wanting academic planning and support, can connect with the program Instructor(s) or email