General Education/Transfer

Your program courses focus on teaching you the necessary skill sets to fulfill the technical requirements of your career choice. General education classes are designed to improve your math, communication and human relation skills for your certificate or Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree. General Education classes also meet the transfer requirements needed for an Associate in Applied Science-Transfer (AAS-T) degree, an Associate in Science-Transfer for a Major Related Program (AS-T/MRP) degree, or a Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) for certain Major Related Programs (MRP) such as Business, Pre-Nursing, and Pre-Engineering.
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Transfer Classes

The purpose of transfer is to facilitate the smooth transition of college course work taken at one college institution to another college for the benefit of the individual student. These courses are generally intended to move the student towards a baccalaureate degree. Bellingham Technical College provides educational course work and degree programs which “transfer” to upper-division institutions, both public and private. The notion of transfer is grounded in the peer-based accreditation status of the participating colleges in supporting student mobility of course work between and among the colleges.

**Note: If a Washington State Community or Technical College offers a similar course with an ampersand ("&") in the course prefix, it is easily transferable among CTC colleges. Students should check with 4-year colleges for acceptance/non-acceptance when transferring individual CTC courses.

Total Program Credits:

  • Current Students: Learn how to use this page to register for classes

  • Business

  • ACCT& 201Principles of Accounting I5 CR
  • ACCT& 202Principles of Accounting II5 CR
  • ACCT& 203Principles of Accounting III5 CR
  • BUS& 101Introduction to Business5 CR
  • BUS& 201Business Law5 CR
  • Communications

  • ENGL& 101English Composition I5 CR
  • ENGL& 102English Composition II5 CR
  • ENGL& 235Technical Writing5 CR
  • Computer Science

  • CS& 131Computer Science I C++5 CR
  • Engineering

  • ENGR& 104Introduction To Engineering & Design5 CR
  • ENGR& 204Electrical Circuits5 CR
  • ENGR& 214Engineering Statics5 CR
  • ENGR& 225Mechanics Of Materials5 CR
  • Humanities

  • CMST& 210Interpersonal Communications5 CR
  • CMST& 220Public Speaking5 CR
  • HIST& 146United States History I5 CR
  • HIST& 147United States History II5 CR
  • HIST& 148United States History III5 CR
  • HUM& 101Introduction to Humanities5 CR
  • SPAN& 121Spanish I5 CR
  • SPAN& 122Spanish II5 CR
  • Mathematics

  • MATH& 107Math in Society5 CR
  • MATH& 141Precalculus I5 CR
  • MATH& 142Precalculus II5 CR
  • MATH& 146Introduction to Statistics5 CR
  • MATH& 151Calculus I5 CR
  • MATH& 152Calculus II5 CR
  • MATH& 163Calculus 35 CR
  • MATH 238Intro to Differential Equations5 CR
  • Physical and Natural Sciences

  • BIOL& 160General Biology with Lab5 CR
  • BIOL& 241Human A & P 15 CR
  • BIOL& 242Human A & P 25 CR
  • BIOL& 260Microbiology5 CR
  • CHEM& 110Chemical Concepts w/Lab5 CR
  • CHEM& 121Intro to Chemistry5 CR
  • CHEM& 131Introduction to Organic/Bio-Chemistry5 CR
  • CHEM& 161General Chemistry w/ Lab I5 CR
  • CHEM& 162General Chemistry w/Lab II5 CR
  • NUTR& 101Nutrition5 CR
  • PHYS& 110Physics for Non-Science Majors w/Lab5 CR
  • PHYS& 114General Physics I w/lab5 CR
  • PHYS& 221Engineering Physics I w/Lab5 CR
  • PHYS& 222Engineering Physics II w/Lab5 CR
  • Social Sciences

  • ECON& 201Micro Economics5 CR
  • PSYC& 100General Psychology5 CR
  • PSYC& 200Lifespan Psychology5 CR
  • SOC& 101Introduction to Sociology5 CR
  • View past class requirements for this program.

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General Education Classes

Your program courses focus on teaching you the necessary skill sets to fulfill the technical requirements of your career choice. General education classes are designed to improve your math, communication and human relation skills for your certificate or Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree. General Education classes also meet the transfer requirements needed for an Associate in Applied Science-Transfer (AAS-T) degree, an Associate in Science-Transfer for a Major Related Program (AS-T/MRP) degree, or a Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) for certain Major Related Programs (MRP) such as Business, Pre-Nursing, and Pre-Engineering.


Note: Courses in distribution areas may vary from college to college. You may apply your transfer course(es) to the same distribution area as your sending institution - see Reciprocity Agreement

Total Program Credits:

  • Current Students: Learn how to use this page to register for classes

  • Communications

  • ENGL& 101English Composition I5 CR
  • ENGL& 102English Composition II5 CR
  • ENGL& 235Technical Writing5 CR
  • Humanities

  • AENGL 100Applied English5 CR
  • CMST& 210Interpersonal Communications5 CR
  • CMST& 220Public Speaking5 CR
  • HIST& 146United States History I5 CR
  • HIST& 147United States History II5 CR
  • HIST& 148United States History III5 CR
  • HUM& 101Introduction to Humanities5 CR
  • SPAN& 121Spanish I5 CR
  • SPAN& 122Spanish II5 CR
  • Mathematics

  • AMATH 100Applied Occupational Math5 CR
  • AMATH 111Applied Technical Math5 CR
  • Elementary Algebra5 CR
  • Intermediate Algebra5 CR
  • MATH& 107Math in Society5 CR
  • MATH& 141Precalculus I5 CR
  • MATH& 142Precalculus II5 CR
  • MATH& 146Introduction to Statistics5 CR
  • MATH& 151Calculus I5 CR
  • MATH& 152Calculus II5 CR
  • MATH& 163Calculus 35 CR
  • MATH 238Intro to Differential Equations5 CR
  • Physical and Natural Sciences

  • BIOL& 160General Biology with Lab5 CR
  • BIOL& 241Human A & P 15 CR
  • BIOL& 242Human A & P 25 CR
  • BIOL& 260Microbiology5 CR
  • CHEM& 110Chemical Concepts w/Lab5 CR
  • CHEM& 121Intro to Chemistry5 CR
  • CHEM& 131Introduction to Organic/Bio-Chemistry5 CR
  • CHEM& 161General Chemistry w/ Lab I5 CR
  • CHEM& 162General Chemistry w/Lab II5 CR
  • NUTR& 101Nutrition5 CR
  • PHYS& 110Physics for Non-Science Majors w/Lab5 CR
  • PHYS& 114General Physics I w/lab5 CR
  • PHYS& 221Engineering Physics I w/Lab5 CR
  • PHYS& 222Engineering Physics II w/Lab5 CR
  • Social Sciences

  • ECON& 201Micro Economics5 CR
  • PSYC& 100General Psychology5 CR
  • PSYC& 200Lifespan Psychology5 CR
  • SOC& 101Introduction to Sociology5 CR
  • View past class requirements for this program.

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Certificate or AAS Classes

45+ Credit Certificate and AAS General Education Requirements

The courses below fulfill the three areas for certificates of 45 credits or more and AAS general education requirements. Both BTC course offerings and accepted courses alternatives for transfer students are listed. Choose one course from each area. A minimum of three credits in each area are required for certificates of 45 credits or more. A minimum of five credits in each area are required for an AAS. Many programs require certain courses to meet the general education requirements of their certificate or AAS.

See degree audit for specific program requirements. Check with your advisor and/or program.

Click on this Transfer Student Evaluation link for more information and options.

Total Program Credits: 9 - 15

  • Current Students: Learn how to use this page to register for classes

  • Communications

  • Take one of the following courses

  • BTC General Education Offerings (3-5 Credits)
  • AENGL 100Applied English5 CR
  • ENGL& 101English Composition I5 CR
  • ENGL& 102English Composition II5 CR
  • ENGL& 235Technical Writing5 CR
  • BUS 171Technical Communications5 CR
  • Mathematics

  • Take one of the following courses

  • BTC General Education Offerings (3-5 Credits)
  • AMATH 111Applied Technical Math5 CR
  • AMATH 100Applied Occupational Math5 CR
  • MATH& 107Math in Society5 CR
  • MATH& 141Precalculus I5 CR
  • MATH& 142Precalculus II5 CR
  • MATH& 146Introduction to Statistics5 CR
  • Math for Business5 CR

  • Commonly Accepted Course Alternatives
  • MATH& 151Calculus I5 CR
  • MATH& 152Calculus II5 CR
  • MATH& 163Calculus 35 CR
  • MATH& 153Calculus III CR
  • MATH 238Intro to Differential Equations5 CR
  • Calculus IV
  • Human Relations

  • Take one of the following courses

  • BTC General Education Offerings (3-5 Credits)
  • CMST& 210Interpersonal Communications5 CR
  • PSYC& 100General Psychology5 CR
  • SOC& 101Introduction to Sociology5 CR

  • Commonly Accepted Course Alternatives
  • ANTH& 100Survey of Anthropology0 CR
  • Cultural Anthropology

  • Or any course with the following titles

  • “Human Relations in Business”
  • “Interpersonal Communications”
  • “Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace” “Multicultural Communications”
  • “Psychology of Human Relations”
  • “Social Psychology”
  • “Social Relations”
  • View past class requirements for this program.

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AAS-T Classes

AAS-T General Education Requirements

The courses below fulfill the three areas of AAS-T general education requirements. Both BTC course offerings and accepted course alternatives for transfer students are listed. Many programs require certain courses and/or more than the 20 credit minimum to meet the general education requirements of their AAS-T.


***Note: Entering with a bachelor's degree may replace some/all general education requirements.

Click on this Transfer Student Evaluation link for more information and options.

Note: Courses in distribution areas may vary from college to college. You may apply your transfer course(es) to the same distribution area as your sending institution - see Reciprocity Agreement

Total Program Credits: 20

  • Current Students: Learn how to use this page to register for classes

  • Communications

  • Five credits needed from the following courses

  • BTC General Education Offerings (5 Credits)
  • ENGL& 101English Composition I5 CR
  • ENGL& 102English Composition II5 CR
  • ENGL& 235Technical Writing5 CR

  • Commonly Accepted Course Alternatives
  • Transferable college level English course. Communication courses may also satisfy this distribuition area.
  • Humanities

  • Ten credits in Science, Social Science, or Humanities

  • BTC General Education Offerings
  • CMST& 210Interpersonal Communications5 CR
  • CMST& 220Public Speaking5 CR
  • HIST& 146United States History I5 CR
  • HIST& 147United States History II5 CR
  • HIST& 148United States History III5 CR
  • HUM& 101Introduction to Humanities5 CR
  • SPAN& 121Spanish I5 CR
  • SPAN& 122Spanish II5 CR

  • Commonly Accepted Course Alternatives
  • Any ART&, ASL&, CMST&, DRMA&, ENGL&, HIST&, MUSC&, or any foreign language: CHIN&, FRCH&, GERM&, JAPN&, KREA&, RUSS&, SPAN&, or VIET&
  • Mathematics

  • Five credits needed from the following courses

  • BTC General Education Offerings (5 Credits)
  • MATH& 107Math in Society5 CR
  • MATH& 141Precalculus I5 CR
  • MATH& 142Precalculus II5 CR
  • MATH& 146Introduction to Statistics5 CR
  • MATH& 151Calculus I5 CR
  • MATH& 152Calculus II5 CR
  • MATH& 163Calculus 35 CR

  • Commonly Accepted Course Alternatives
  • Transferrable college level Math course
  • Physical and Natural Sciences

  • SCIENCE (all lab sciences)

  • BTC General Education Offerings
  • BIOL& 160General Biology with Lab5 CR
  • BIOL& 241Human A & P 15 CR
  • BIOL& 242Human A & P 25 CR
  • BIOL& 260Microbiology5 CR
  • CHEM& 110Chemical Concepts w/Lab5 CR
  • CHEM& 121Intro to Chemistry5 CR
  • CHEM& 122Introduction to Organic Chemistry5 CR
  • CHEM& 131Introduction to Organic/Bio-Chemistry5 CR
  • CHEM& 161General Chemistry w/ Lab I5 CR
  • CHEM& 162General Chemistry w/Lab II5 CR
  • ENVS& 101Fundamentals of Environmental Science5 CR
  • PHYS& 110Physics for Non-Science Majors w/Lab5 CR
  • PHYS& 114General Physics I w/lab5 CR
  • PHYS& 221Engineering Physics I w/Lab5 CR
  • PHYS& 222Engineering Physics II w/Lab5 CR

  • Commonly Accepted Course Alternatives
  • Any ASTR&, BIOL&, CHEM&, ENVS&, GEOL&, OCEA&, or PHYS&
  • Social Sciences

  • BTC General Education Offerings
  • BUS& 101Introduction to Business5 CR
  • ECON& 202Macro Economics5 CR
  • ECON& 201Micro Economics5 CR
  • POLS& 101Intro Political Science5 CR
  • POLS& 202United States Government5 CR
  • PSYC& 100General Psychology5 CR
  • PSYC& 200Lifespan Psychology5 CR
  • SOC& 101Introduction to Sociology5 CR

  • Commonly Accepted Course Alternatives
  • Any ANTH&, ECON&, GEOG&, PHIL&, POLS&, PSYC&, or SOC&
  • View past class requirements for this program.

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Academic Faculty


Dan Bracy
Jill Burns
Rich Donnelly
Jenna Gernand
Greg Kier
Caren Kongshaug
Korenna Rawls
Janet Richards
Molly Smith
Karen Watts
Andi Zamora


Linda Hegeberg
Andrea Johnson
Kristine (Lee) Newton
Anita Peng
Calhan Ring
Physical & Natural Sciences

Spencer Berger
Mina Lebitz
Nicole Mandel
Andrea Olah
Andres Quesada
Philipp Roser
Angela Vandenberg
Social Sciences

Tim Brockman
Jill Burns
Greg Kier
Dale Pollard
Molly Smith

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Hours & Contacts

Summer Hours

Mon to Thu: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Fridays

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