Reports and Policies

Welcome to the Reports and Policies page.
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Strategic Plan

Bellingham Technical College’s Strategic Plan was developed by the employees and students of BTC to guide our institutional work. More people. More ideas. Better ways to succeed.

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Policies and Compliance

Review BTC's Policies and Compliance documentation and reports

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Safety Information

The College administration wants to assure you that, as part of the BTC community, your safety and security are of primary concern. BTC staff are committed to making our campus a safe, nurturing learning environment.

In case of an incident please go to the Incident Reporting page to report any concerning behavior, conduct issues, crimes, accidents, or general safety concerns.

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Title IX

Sexual Misconduct is prohibited by Civil Rights Law. Bellingham Technical College is committed to providing a learning and working environment characterized by mutual respect and fair treatment among all its constituents. An essential component of this environment is a strong ethic and practice of equality, acceptance, and nondiscriminatory interactions. See our Title IX page for more information

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Hazing of any kind will not be tolerated and will be subject to the college’s provision under the Student Conduct Code.  See BTC's Hazing Policy

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