Policies and Compliance

Welcome to BTC's Policies and Compliance page.

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Sexual Misconduct is prohibited by Civil Rights Law. Bellingham Technical College is committed to providing a learning and working environment characterized by mutual respect and fair treatment among all its constituents. An essential component of this environment is a strong ethic and practice of equality, acceptance, and nondiscriminatory interactions. See our TITLE IX page for more information.

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Hazing is prohibited within the BTC community and will be subject to the college's provision under the Student Conduct Code (WAC 495B-121). 

Beginning Fall Quarter 2022, in compliance with Sam's Law (HB 1751), all institutions of higher education are required to publish a quarterly report disclosing all student groups found responsible for engaging in hazing. BTC's reports are available below, with the current academic year's report updated quarterly.

BTC has partnered with Get Inclusive to provide the prevention course "Hazing and Intimidation" to students and employees that educates on the dangers of and prohibition on hazing, including information on hazing awareness, prevention, intervention, and BTC's policy on hazing. This course is offered to all new students each quarter, and is available to view by visiting the Get Inclusive training page.

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Stormwater Management Plan

In compliance with the requirements of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System and State Water Discharge General Permit for Discharges in Western Washington.

As a Secondary Permittee of a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), BTC has developed and continues to update a Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP) as part of an existing permit the College has with the Department of Ecology.

Stormwater Management Plan

Stormwater Management Plan - (Rev 2015) (PDF)

Updates and Revisions

2023 Annual Plan Update (PDF)
2022 Annual Plan Update (PDF)
2021 Annual Plan Update (PDF)
2020 Annual Plan Update (PDF)
2019 Annual Plan Update (PDF)
2018 Annual Plan Update (PDF)
2017 Annual Plan Update (PDF)
2016 Annual Plan Update (PDF)
2015 Annual Plan Update (PDF)
2014 Annual Plan Update (PDF)
2012 Annual Plan Update (PDF)
2011 Annual Plan Update (PDF)

We are publishing this document on our website for public review and any written comments regarding our SWMP. Please utilize the comment box below for a response and if you have additional comments, they can be directed to David Jungkuntz, Facilities Manager, via email at: dave.jungkuntz@btc.edu

For future reference, easy access to this page is provided by going to our main webpage and selecting "About BTC" in the upper right corner and then "Policies & Compliance" or www.btc.edu/StormwaterPlan.

Thank you for your time and we appreciate your feedback.

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Drug-Free Campus

Policy and Program

Bellingham Technical College is committed to providing a drug-free, healthful, safe, and secure workplace and environment, and has implemented a drug and alcohol abuse, prevention, and assistance program. The College will annually notify employees and students that the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol on College property, or as any part of College activity, is prohibited. (WAC 495B-121-265 (10))

Bellingham Technical College intends to promote a drug free, healthful, safe, and secure work environment. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of alcohol or any controlled substance is prohibited in or on property owned or controlled by Bellingham Technical College. The use of alcohol or any unlawful controlled substance while in or on property owned or controlled by Bellingham Technical College is prohibited. While state law permits the recreational use of marijuana, federal law prohibits such use on college premises or in connection with college activities. Prescription drug usage must be accomplished in a lawful and safe manner pursuant to a valid medical prescription. No employee will report to work while under the influence of alcohol or any unlawful controlled substance. A controlled substance is defined by RCW 69.50.201 through RCW 69.50.214 or pursuant to Title 21 USC Section 821 (Schedules I-IV), as now enacted or subsequently amended.

Alcoholic beverages may be served at scheduled events at Bellingham Technical College provided all Washington laws and Bellingham Technical College administrative procedures, guidelines, and regulations are met. (BTC Policy 363.0)

These provisions are in accordance with the requirements of the federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 and the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.

BTC's Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program (DAAPP) will be reviewed biennially to determine its effectiveness and to ensure compliance with required sanctions [CFD Title 34, Subpart B 86.100(b)]. The most recent report is available here: 2021 Biennial Review of BTC's Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program.

Drug-Free Campus Policy. Adopted as a Board Policy for Bellingham Technical College November 19, 1992; revised March 16, 2006. Reaffirmed on February 17, 2011. Revised September 23, 2014. Revised December 27, 2019. Revised September 29, 2021.

Health Risks and Sanctions

The following nonexclusive list of health risks have been identified with the use and abuse of illicit drugs and alcohol: memory loss; depression; fetal alcohol syndrome; problem pregnancy; sclerosis; circulatory problems; insomnia; heart failure; respiratory arrest; cardiac arrest; seizures; coma; anxiety; paranoia; irritability; fatigue; mental illness; death.

Violation of this policy by any employee or student are subject to sanctions imposed by the College which are consistent with local, state, and federal law and regulations. Such sanctions may include, but are not limited to, the offender's referral for mandatory evaluation or treatment for a substance abuse disorder, expulsion from the College, disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from employment and referral to other authorities for prosecution. Disciplinary action against employees or students will be initiated in accord with the Washington Administrative Code, applicable contract provisions, and College policy. Violation of this policy by an employee or student may also result in arrest and conviction under applicable criminal laws of the United States, the State of Washington, or local municipalities. Conviction can result in sanctions including probation, fines, and imprisonment.

To comply with federal law, Bellingham Technical College requires an employee to notify the employing official of any criminal drug statute conviction for any violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. If the employee is engaged in the performance of a federally sponsored grant or contract, the College must notify the federal contracting agency within ten (10) days of having received notice that the employee has been convicted of a drug statue violation occurring in the workplace. Within 30 days of receipt of such notice, the College will take disciplinary action against the convicted employee and/or require satisfactory participation in a drug/alcohol abuse assistance or rehabilitation program. Disciplinary action may include dismissal from employment or other appropriate personnel action(s). Employment at Bellingham Technical College is conditioned upon the employee’s willingness to abide by this policy. Students who violate this policy are subject to disciplinary sanctions including: warning and reprimand, disciplinary probation, suspension, or dismissal in accordance with the Student Conduct Code (WAC 495B-121).

Opioid Education and Awareness

Bellingham Technical College will be providing access to Naloxone and Fentanyl testing strips on campus beginning in Fall Quarter of the 2024-2025 Academic Year. These resources will be available on the Second Floor of Morse Center, within the Associated Students of Bellingham Technical College Lounge.

Good Samaritan Overdose Law

In Washington State, anyone trying to help in a medical emergency is generally protected from civil liabilities by RCW 4.24.300. Washington State's Good Samaritan Overdose Law (RCW 69.50.315) and RCW 69.41.095 give additional, specific protections against drug possession charges, including:

  • If you seek medical assistance in a drug-related overdose, you cannot be prosecuted for drug possession.
  • The overdose victim is also protected from drug possession charges.
  • Anyone in Washington State who might have or witness an opioid overdose is allowed to carry and administer an opioid overdose reversal medication (such as Naloxone).

How to Use Naloxone

Opioid Overdose: Administering Naloxone Video

Washington State Department of Health

  • Check for a Response

    • Try to wake them up. Shake them and shout their name.
    • Rub your knuckles hard on the center of their chest.
    • Hold your ear close to their nose, listen and feel for signs of breathing.
    • Look at their lips and fingernails - a pale, blue, or gray color is a sign of an overdose.
  • Call 911

    • Tell the 911 operator your exact location.
    • Say you are with a person who is not breathing. You do not have to say anything about drugs or medication at the scene.
    • Tell the operator you are going to give the person Naloxone.
    • Follow any instructions you get from the operator.
  • Give Naloxone

  • Start Rescue Breathing

    • Someone who has overdosed needs oxygen. Naloxone may take a few minutes to start working. Check again to see if they are breathing.
    • If you can't hear them breathe or their breath sounds shallow, provide rescue breaths.
    • Follow instructions of 911 operator until help arrives.
  • Give a Second Dose of Naloxone

    • Wait about 3 minutes for Naloxone to take effect.
    • If the person has not responded after 3 minutes, give a second dose.
  • Post Care for Overdose

    • Stay with the person until help arrives. Remember, Washington State's Good Samaritan Law offers protections when you call 911 for an overdose.
    • If the person starts breathing on their own, but they do not wake up, roll them on their side to a recovery position.
    • When the person wakes up, they may have opioid withdrawal symptoms such as chills, nausea, and muscle aches.
    • They may not remember what happened. They may be scared, nervous, or restless. Keep them calm until help arrives.
    • Try to stop them from taking more drugs.

Fentanyl Test Strips

  • How to Use

    1. Add approximately 5 ml of water into the package (up to the "fill line"). Mix in a 10 mg sample (approximately the size of half a grain of rice).
    2. Place the strip up to the "max" line into the package containing the water and sample for 60-seconds.
    3. Let the strip dry for 1-3 minutes for results. To determine results, consult the instructions on the package.
  • Fentanyl Test Strip Instructions

    Illustrated 3-step Fentanyl Test Strip Instructions


Bellingham Technical College recognizes alcohol and drug dependency to be an illness and major health problem. The institution also classifies drug usage and abuse as a potential safety and security problem. The following resources are available to employees and students seeking assistance with such problems.

  • Resources

      • BTC's Counselors and the Human Resources Office can provide referrals.

      • The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provides face-to-face and/or phone sessions. They have 24 hour on-call support and most face-to-face appointments are scheduled within 24-72 hours. More information on EAP can be found on the PeaceHealth EAP Health Promotion Northwest website or call 360.788.6565 or 800.244.6142.

      • Services may be provided as part of health insurance plans, when appropriate.

      • The Washington Recovery Help Line, which provides 24-hour help for substance abuse and related problems, can be reached at 866.789.1511. The Washington Recovery Help Line website contains information about and links to recovery resources. Also available online is a Directory of Certified Behavioral Health Services in Washington State, published by the state Department of Social and Health Services.

      • Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers. A list of local resources is available on the Whatcom County Treatment Resources page.

      • Alcoholics Anonymous – There are several meetings held in Whatcom County. Strict confidentiality is maintained. For more information, phone 360.734.1688 or visit the Whatcom County Alcoholics Anonymous website.

      • Alcohol/Drug Helpline provides 24-hour help, and can be reached at 800.662.4357.

      • Whatcom County Health Department's Substance Abuse Prevention website.

      • The Start Your Recovery website is a free, confidential tool that helps individuals take steps toward a healthy relationship with drugs and alcohol.

      • Opioid education and prevention information is available on Washington Friends for Life and Whatcom Overdose Prevention website. Whatcom County residents can also request a Naloxone kit on the Whatcom Overdose Prevention website

      • Whatcom Has Hope website has local care options for opioid use disorder.

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