International Student

BTC is proud to serve a diverse campus with individuals of all nations and statuses. We are responsible for ensuring that international students enrolling in technical professional programs are approved to study at our college and we will provide you with the appropriate advising and documentation.

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Immigrant Students

Legal/lawful permanent residents, temporary residents, refugees, asylees, and conditional entrants, will be required to submit evidence of status to be eligible for resident tuition. Bring appropriate evidence listed below to Admissions & Advising:

  • Copy of Resident Alien Card (otherwise known as Permanent Resident card or green card)

  • Form I-551 or 551 passport stamp

  • Temporary Resident card or Form I-688

  • UN/US refugee travel document or RF passport stamp

  • Or meet with international advisor by appointment for further instructions (360.752.8484).

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Undocumented Students (DREAMers)

Bellingham Technical College (BTC) is committed to assisting all students succeed, regardless of citizen status. New state law and funding has increased opportunities for non-citizens to access higher education. At BTC, these students are called DREAMers.

For more information about Admissions, Financial Aid, DACA for undocumented students, and student who qualify for HB 1079, please visit the DREAMers Webpage

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International & Non-Immigrant Students

If you are a citizen of another country planning to live in the US for the sole purpose of attending college, you will need to obtain a student VISA. Please review BTC's International Student Information Packet. After reviewing documents, please contact Admissions at 360.752.8345, or, to schedule an appointment with our International Advisor to discuss the steps and requirements to becoming an international student at BTC.

Certain VISA holders are eligible to study at BTC. To determine if your current VISA status allows study at BTC, please submit all of the following to Admissions Office:

  • Copy of VISA
  • Copy of passport
  • Copy of 1-94 card
  • Form I-20 (for M1 or F1 students enrolled at colleges other than BTC)
  • International Student Transcripts

You will need to have your transcripts evaluated through one of the following independent credit evaluation services:

World Education Services

Foundation for International Services

American Association of Collegiate Registrars

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Hours & Contacts

Summer Hours

Mon to Thu: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Fridays

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