Campus Center Relocation

Spring 2024 Campus Center Building Update


BTC employees, the design team for Campus Center Building and our colleagues from the WA State Department of Enterprise Services have concluded the procurement for a General Contractor-Construction Manager (GCCM) to join the design team and ultimately perform the remaining seismic stabilizing work for Campus Center Building. Through this competitive process, Dawson Construction emerged as the new GCCM. We look forward to continuing to work with Dawson through the completion of this project and are grateful for the collaborative spirit they have had in this project over the past year as they worked as the emergency contractor performing the gravity load building repairs.

The team and members of the GCCM contract are:

  • BTC
  • Department of Enterprise Services
  • Dawson Construction
  • Zervas Architects
  • Coffman Engineers

Now that the entire team is assembled, we are able to share a timeline for the remainder of project. The team currently anticipates that the seismic reinforcement work will be substantially completed by June 2025. While this timeline is subject to change, we are currently looking forward to moving back into the building over the summer of 2025 and for the building to reopen for school starting Fall Quarter 2025.

This project has been divided into two stages:

  • Gravity load: Repair work done to ensure the building can continue to hold the weight of the building and its contents based on the updated designs.
  • Seismic load: Work associated with the repair and strengthening of the building to bring the building’s seismic structure into compliance with building code.

Here are some building repair status details on those stages:

  • Dawson has completed nearly 90 percent of the initial gravity load repairs. This is the work that has been occurring since the building was closed last July. Additionally, they are finalizing the preparations to protect existing building interiors from large equipment and construction work, with chipboard and screening on the floors and to separate spaces.
  • The seismic load portion of the project is officially in preconstruction services stage. Current work includes preparing bid packages to select sub-contractors for different scopes of work. Examples include roof, foundation, structural steel work, etc. We anticipate that this preconstruction service stage to run into Summer with some activities going out to bid now and others throughout the summer as the work continues.

As the project continues, we will share regular progress updates here.


October Update: Campus Center building to remain closed through 2023-24 academic year

Work to review Campus Center building has continued since BTC's decision to close the building for fall quarter, and we are now aware that additional seismic reinforcement work is necessary. 

Based on the significance of findings and the length of needed repairs, we can now confirm that Campus Center building will remain under construction for the rest of the school year and likely through next summer. There are many details of the repair that are not fully determined at this point, so while we cannot confirm currently, we are hopeful the building will be open for next Fall Quarter.  

We will share updates here as more information becomes available.


September Update: BTC's Campus Center building will be closed for fall quarter

BTC's Campus Center building was closed during much of summer to allow contractors to complete truss reinforcement work. After receiving news from our contractor about additional seismic work needed throughout the building and out of an abundance of caution, 
BTC’s administration has made the difficult decision to keep Campus Center building closed for fall quarter. All other buildings will be open.

This building closure will allow crews to get this needed seismic reinforcement work done as quickly as possible without having to work around classes and workspaces. When this work is complete, it will allow us to reopen Campus Center with full confidence in the safety of the building, both in everyday use and in case of an earthquake. 

Facilities and the administration are working closely with affected groups to find solutions for relocating affected classrooms and offices, as well as services like the library, tutoring, TRIO and ASBTC. 

Students will be able to see new locations for classes that had been located in Campus Center by the first day of fall by checking their schedule in ctcLink. Class times and modalities are not expected to change for these relocated classes.

Thank you to all of our campus community for the patience and the grace as the work in Campus Center building evolves. We will share updates about the progress of work and any adjustments to campus services and their locations here throughout the closure.

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Relocated Services

Here are updated locations for the services and resources that had been located in Campus Center:

Campus Store: A-Building Hallway, Room 5
Library: G Building, Room 102/103, additional computers in Haskell Center 203
Tutoring: Study Hub, Building 2, DMC Parking Lot
E-Learning: DMC 104
Student Life & ASBTC: Morse Center Building, Second-Floor Atrium and Room 221
Photo ID: Morse Center Building, Room 221
TRIO: College Services, Room 105
Food Pantry: G Building, Cafeteria
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Class Information

Please check ctcLink for the new locations for classes that had been scheduled for Campus Center this quarter.
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