Facts & Figures

BTC has been providing skills-focused education to thousands of local and regional students since 1957. BTC is located in beautiful Bellingham, Washington, about 90 miles north of Seattle, and 60 miles south of Vancouver, BC.

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The first Industrial School is planned and built by the Bellingham School District. It evolved into a manual-training section of Whatcom High School.


Courses in automotive mechanics and machine shop were offered at Fairhaven High School.


With World War II looming, evening classes are established. Over 4,000 people received industry training during the war.


Realizing that vocational programming was not serving the community’s needs, planners began work on what will become the present BTC.


Bellingham Vocational Technical Institute is established on the current 32-acre site, a former truck farm. BVTI is operated by the Bellingham School District.


Bellingham Vocational Technical Institute is renamed Bellingham Technical College. State legislative action designates BTC as a member of the Washington State Community and Technical College system.


BTC becomes a member institution of Achieving the Dream, a national nonprofit dedicated to helping students—particularly low-income and students of color—stay in school and earn a college certificate or degree.


BTC’s campus currently encompasses 32 acres (including the Marine Drive Annex).


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Our College

Program Mix State Supported 2020-21

90% Prof-tech

5% Transitional Studies

5% Non-award seeking

Degrees & Certificates

44 Associate of Applied Science (AAS) and AAS-Transfer (AAS-T) Degree Programs 2022-23

4 Direct Transfer Degrees (DTA/MRP) Programs 2022-23

30 Certificate Programs 2022-23

2 Bachelors of Science Degree Programs 2022-23

261 Business and Industry Representatives Serving on BTC’s Program Advisory Committees 2022-23


71 Full-Time Tenure/Tenure Track Faculty (52) and  Faculty (19) Full-Time Temporary Faculty Fall 2023

55 Adjunct Part-Time Faculty Fall 2023

118 Employees Fall 2023

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Student Profile

The following dashboard includes enrollment trends (broken down by demographic) and student achievement metrics, including retention, progress, completion, and job placement. Attached is a Student Profile PDF document with the same information from the dashboards.

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External Benchmarking

External benchmarking is an important aspect of examining institutional performance. BTC benchmarks its performance against both regional and national peers. 


BTC uses several dashboards provided by the Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges (SBCTC) to benchmark its performance against regional peers. These dashboards encompass metrics such as enrollment, student progress and completion, and post-college outcomes.  

The following are regional peer colleges that BTC uses to benchmark its metrics: 

Bates Technical College

Clover Park Technical College 

Grays Harbor College 

Lake Washington Institute of Technology

Peninsula College

Renton Technical College

Skagit Valley College 

Spokane Community College 

Walla Walla Community College  

The following are public-facing SBCTC dashboards most frequently used for regional external benchmarking: 

  • Enrollment: Quarterly and annual student headcounts and full-time equivalents (FTEs), including demographic breakdowns. 

  • Faculty and Staff: Quarterly and annual faculty and staff headcounts and full-time equivalents (FTEs), including demographic breakdowns. 

  • Student Achievement Initiative (SAI) 3.0: SAI is the points-based performance funding system for Washington State's community and technical colleges. Colleges receive points when students reach key academic momentum points, such as first 15 credits, college math, and completion. A complementary SBCTC dashboard, the Student Achievement Initiative (SAI) 3.0 Points by Students Groups, includes the SAI point totals by student groups such as Basic Skills, Running Start, Workforce Funding programs, and Pell grant recipients. 

  • Perkins V: BTC receives funding under the Carl D. Perkins Act, which requires the college to disaggregate student data by subgroup, special population, and program area for the three performance indicators. 

  • Credentials Awarded: Student awards broken down by high school credential/GED certificate, workforce certificates, and degrees. 

  • After College Status: Professional-Technical Programs and Apprenticeships: A substantial portion of BTC's students plan to enter the workforce after earning their BTC credential. As a result, job placement and job salary data are especially important to BTC. This dashboard shows the rate students go on to be employed or transfer to other non-community and technical colleges. 



BTC uses data provided by the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) to benchmark its performance against national peers. To receive federal student aid programs provided by the U.S. Department of Education, institutions are required to provide various metrics such as enrollment, completion, finances and tuition, and student financial aid. BTC uses the IPEDS Compare Institutions Tool to pull metrics of interest. 

The following are national peer colleges that BTC uses to benchmark its metrics: 

Albany Technical College (GA)  

Cochise County Community College District (AZ)  

Eastern Maine Community College (ME)  

Moraine Park Technical College (WI) 

Texarkana College (TX)

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Financial Aid

$10.9 Million Total Financial Aid Awards Disbursed in 2023-24

419 Total Number of Student Scholarships Awarded in 2023-24

92 Named Annual Scholarships Distributed in 2023-24

52 Endowed Scholarships Distributed in 2023-24

$957,310 Total Scholarship Monies Awarded in 2023-24

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