CTE Dual Credit

The Whatcom County CTE Dual Credit Consortium is dedicated to helping students get connected to clear, meaningful educational pathways which lead to successful career opportunities. The consortium is sponsored by a partnership of local High Schools, Bellingham Technical College, and Whatcom Community College. Students can earn college credit on the high school campus for articulated courses that prepare them for a professional/technical career. According to the Washington Student Achievement Council, students who earn college credit are more likely to graduate high school, enroll in college, and complete college degrees.

Why Take College CTE Dual Credit Classes?

  • CTE Dual Credit students save time and tuition dollars by getting a head start on fulfilling college degree or certificate requirements.
  • CTE Dual Credit students complete courses that help prepare them for career opportunities beyond high school.
  • CTE Dual Credit students learn skills to be productive in the world of work.
  • CTE Dual Credit students take college courses while attending classes on their high school campus.
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Students | Parents | Guardians

To enroll in a CTE Dual Credit course, students must be enrolled in an eligible, articulated high school course and register for college credit through the SERS website.

Here are the steps for enrolling in CTE Dual Credit Courses:

  1. Visit your Counseling/Career Center at your high school for help in selecting classes that match your career pathway

  2. Using the on-line system (SERS), complete the College CTE Dual Credit registration process at https://www.ctesers.org.

  3. During the semester, work with your teacher to achieve the required skills and competencies.

  4. Earn at least a "B" grade in the class.

  5. Contact Whatcom County CTE Dual Credit if you have any questions.
    ctedualcredit@btc.edu or 360-752-8409

Registration Timeline

Registration Opens: December 2, 2024
Registration Closes: June 20, 2025

Registration Instructions

Transcript Information

An unofficial transcript is an unsigned and unsealed copy of the student’s record and is available online. There is no charge for unofficial transcript copies. It is the responsibility of the student to view their transcript for accuracy.

To order official transcripts, go to www.getmytranscript.com to use the online transcript service to order your Official BTC or WCC Transcript. There is a fee to order official transcripts. Transcripts can be mailed or picked up in person with photo ID. Transcripts are delivered in an envelope with an officially sealed envelope inside. Official sealed transcripts are required for transfer credit to another college or university. Transcripts will be withheld if all obligations to the College, financial or otherwise, are not fully filled. To view and print your unofficial transcript, go to the BTC Transcripts or WCC Transcript websites.

CTE Dual Credit Courses by High School

  • Blaine High School

    Business English - Business English - (BTC)
    Metals 2 - GMAW I (BTC)
    Metals 1 - SMAW I (BTC)
    Culinary I - Sanitation & Safety (BTC)



  • Bellingham High School

    AP Programming - Introduction to Programming (BTC)
    AP Programming - Computers and Software (WCC)
    Business English (BTC)
    Business Math (WCC)
    Computer Programming - Computers and Software (WCC)
    Psychology of Children - Child Care Basics (WCC)
    Financial Algebra - Math for Business (BTC)
    Financial Algebra - Business Math (WCC)
    Introduction to Culinary Arts - Sanitation & Safety (BTC)
    Medical Terminology - Medical Terminology I (WCC)
    MOS Excel (WCC)
    MOS Excel - Core and Expert (BTC)
    MOS PowerPoint (WCC)
    MOS PowerPoint (BTC)
    MOS Word (WCC)
    MOS Word - Core and Expert (BTC)
    Marketing - Principles of Marketing (WCC)
    Marketing - Principles of Marketing (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Advanced Keyboarding and MS Outlook (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Beginning Keyboarding and Computer Skills (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Computer Literacy (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Computerized Touch Keyboarding (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Database Management I (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Formatting with MS Word (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Intro to Computer Applications (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Intro to Presentation Software (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - MS Excel (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - MS Word (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - PowerPoint (BTC)

    Skillbuilding and Document Formatting (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Spreadsheets I (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Word Processing (WCC)
    Technical Writing - Business English (BTC)
    Visual Communications - Introduction to Visual Communications (WCC)
    Web Design - HTML Fundamentals (WCC)
    Yearbook - Introduction to Visual Communications (WCC)
  • Ferndale High School

    Advanced Metals Technology -  SMAW I (BTC)
    Advanced Metals Technology - GMAW I (BTC)

    Business Math - Business Math (WCC)

    Business Math - Math for Business (BTC)
    Culinary Arts I - Sanitation & Safety (BTC)
    Culinary Arts 2 - Introduction to Hospitality (BTC)
    Business Introduction - Introduction to Business (BTC)
    Exploration & Terms of the Human Body - Medical Terminology I (WCC)
    Power and Energy - Biodiesel (BTC)
    Power and Energy - Green Energy (BTC)
    IT Computer Systems - A+ Hardware (BTC)
    IT Computer Systems - A+ Operating Systems (BTC)
    IT Computer Systems - Introduction to Programming (BTC)
    IT Computer Systems - Computer Operating Systems I (WCC)
    IT Computer Systems - Computer Support I (WCC)

  • Lynden High School

    Applied English - Business English (BTC)
    Careers in Education - Field Experience I - Cooperative Education/Internship (WCC)
    Advanced Agricultural Technology - SMAW I (BTC)
    Advanced Agricultural Technology - GMAW I (BTC)
    Advanced Culinary Arts - Sanitation & Safety (BTC)
    Graphic Arts - Introduction to Visual Communications (WCC)
    Medical Terminology - Medical Terminology I (WCC)
    Financial Math - Personal Finance (WCC)

    Financial Math - Business Math (WCC)

    Financial Math - Math for Business
    Web Design - HTML Fundamentals (WCC)

  • Lynden Christian High School

    Graphic Arts - Introduction to Visual Communications (WCC)
    Technology Connections - Advances Keyboarding & MS Outlook (WCC)
    Technology Connections - Beginning Keyboarding & Computer Skills (WCC)
    Technology Connections - Business Computing (WCC)
    Technology Connections - Computer Literacy (WCC)
    Technology Connections - Computerized Touch Keyboarding (BTC)
    Technology Connections - Database (WCC)
    Technology Connections - Excel (BTC)
    Technology Connections - Intro to Computers (BTC)
    Technology Connections - MS Word (BTC)
    Technology Connections - Presentation Software (WCC)
    Technology Connections - PowerPoint (BTC)
    Technology Connections - Spreadsheets (WCC)
    Technology Connections - Word Processing (WCC)
  • Meridian High School

    Advanced Metals - SMAW I (BTC)
    Advanced Metals - GMAW I (BTC)
    Culinary Arts - Sanitation & Safety (BTC)
    Personal Finance - Personal Finance (WCC)
    Personal Finance - Business Math (WCC)
    Personal Finance - Math for Business (BTC)
  • Mount Baker High School

    Advanced Metal Fabrication - SMAW 110 (BTC)
    Advanced Metal Fabrication - GMAW 120 (BTC)
    Finance - Personal Finance (WCC)
    Finance - Business Math (WCC)
    Finance - Math for Business (BTC)
    Yearbook - Introduction to Visual Communications (WCC)
  • Nooksack Valley High School

    Accounting I & II - AP/AR (WCC)
    Accounting I & II - FA (BTC)
    Accounting (Second Year)
    Advanced Metals Tech - SMAW I (BTC)
    Advanced Metals Tech - GMAW I (BTC)) (BTC)
    DigiTools - Excel (BTC)
    DigiTools - Introduction to Business Computing (WCC)
    DigiTools - Introduction to Presentation Software (WCC)
    DigiTools - PowerPoint (BTC)
    DigiTools - Spreadsheets (WCC)
    DigiTools - Formatting with Word (BTC)
    DigiTools - MS Word (BTC)
    DigiTools - Word Processing I (WCC)
    DigiTools - Advanced Keyboarding & MS Outlook (WCC)
    DigiTools - Beginning Keyboarding & Computer Skills (WCC)
    DigiTools - Computer Literacy (WCC)
    DigiTools - Introduction to Computer Applications (BTC)
    DigiTools - Computerized Touch Keyboarding (BTC)
    Food Production - Sanitation & Safety (BTC)
    Personal Finance - Personal Finance (WCC)
    Personal Finance - Business Math (WCC)
    Personal Finance - Math for Business (BTC)
  • Options High School

    Financial Algebra - Business Math (WCC)
    Financial Algebra - Math for Business (BTC)
    Psychology of Children - Child Care Basics (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Advanced Keyboarding and MS Outlook (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Keyboarding (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Computer Literacy (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Computerized Touch Keyboarding (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Introduction to Computers (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - MS Word (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Word Processing (WCC)
    Yearbook - Introduction to Visual Communications (WCC)
  • Sehome High School

    AP Computer Science A Computer Programming (BTC)
    Career Management - Career Search Process (WCC)
    Psychology of Children - Child Care Basics (WCC)
    Financial Algebra - Math for Business (BTC)
    Financial Algebra - Business Math (WCC)
    Introduction to Culinary Arts - Sanitation & Safety (BTC)
    Visual Communications I - Introduction to Visual Communications (WCC)
    Marketing - Principles of Marketing (BTC)
    Marketing - Principles of Marketing (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Advanced Keyboarding and MS Outlook (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Computer Literacy (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Computerized Touch Keyboarding (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Database Management I (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Formatting with MS Word (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Intro to Presentation Software (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Introduction to Computers (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Keyboarding (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - MS Excel (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - MS Word (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - PowerPoint (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Spreadsheets I (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Word Processing (WCC)
    Technical Writing - Business English (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Skillbuilding and Document Formatting (BTC)
    Web Design & Development - HTML Fundamentals (WCC)
    Yearbook - Introductions to Visual Communications (WCC)
  • Squalicum High School

    Career Management - Career Search Process (WCC)
    Psychology of Children - Child Care Basics (WCC)
    Financial Algebra - Math for Business (BTC)
    Financial Algebra - Business Math (WCC)
    Introduction to Culinary Arts - Sanitation & Safety (BTC)
    Visual Communications I - Introduction to Visual Communications (WCC)
    Marketing - Principles of Marketing (BTC)
    Marketing - Principles of Marketing (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Advanced Keyboarding and MS Outlook (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Computer Literacy (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Computerized Touch Keyboarding (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Database Management I (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Formatting with MS Word (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Intro to Presentation Software (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Introduction to Computers (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Keyboarding (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - MS Excel (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - MS Word (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - PowerPoint (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Spreadsheets I (WCC)
    Tech Literacy - Word Processing (WCC)
    Technical Writing - Business English (BTC)
    Tech Literacy - Skillbuilding and Document Formatting (BTC)
    Web Design & Development - HTML Fundamentals (WCC)
    Yearbook - Introductions to Visual Communications (WCC)

CTE Dual Credit Programs of Study

  • Bellingham High School

    Business Management - Administrative Assistant (BTC)
    Finance - Accounting Technician (BTC)
    Hospitality and Tourism - Culinary Arts (BTC)
    Information Technology - Computer Science DTA (BTC)
    Information Technology - Computer Software Support (BTC)
    Marketing - Business Management (BTC)
    Arts & Audio Visual Technology - Visual Communications (WCC)
    Business Management - Office Administration Certificate (WCC)
    Finance - Accounting AS (WCC)
    Finance - Finance AS (WCC)
    Hospitality and Tourism - Hospitality (WCC)
    Marketing - Business Administration (WCC)
  • Options High School

    Business Management - Administrative Assistant (BTC)
    Finance - Accounting Technician (BTC)
    Hospitality and Tourism - Culinary Arts (BTC)
    Information Technology - Computer Science DTA (BTC)
    Information Technology - Computer Software Support (BTC)
    Marketing - Business Management (BTC)
    Arts & Audio Visual Technology - Visual Communications (WCC)
    Business Management - Office Administration Certificate (WCC)
    Finance - Accounting AS (WCC)
    Finance - Finance AS (WCC)
    Hospitality and Tourism - Hospitality (WCC)
    Marketing - Business Administration (WCC)
  • Sehome High School

    Business Management - Administrative Assistant (BTC)
    Finance - Accounting Technician (BTC)
    Hospitality and Tourism - Culinary Arts (BTC)
    Information Technology - Computer Science DTA (BTC)
    Information Technology - Computer Software Support (BTC)
    Marketing - Business Management (BTC)
    Arts & Audio Visual Technology - Visual Communications (WCC)
    Business Management - Office Administration Certificate (WCC)
    Finance - Accounting AS (WCC)
    Finance - Finance AS (WCC)
    Hospitality and Tourism - Hospitality (WCC)
    Marketing - Business Administration (WCC)
  • Squalicum High School

    Business Management - Administrative Assistant (BTC)
    Finance - Accounting Technician (BTC)
    Hospitality and Tourism - Culinary Arts (BTC)
    Information Technology - Computer Science DTA (BTC)
    Information Technology - Computer Software Support (BTC)
    Marketing - Business Management (BTC)
    Arts & Audio Visual Technology - Visual Communications (WCC)
    Business Management - Office Administration Certificate (WCC)
    Finance - Accounting AS (WCC)
    Finance - Finance AS (WCC)
    Hospitality and Tourism - Hospitality (WCC)
    Marketing - Business Administration (WCC)
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If you are a CTE teacher and would like to partner with the Whatcom County Dual Credit Consortium to offer a CTE Dual Credit course, please contact Linda Ruthrauff and submit a High School Request for Articulation form



High School Request for Articulation Form
CTE Dual Credit Brochure

CTE Dual Credit Posters

Email the CTE Dual Credit Coordinator ctedualcredit@btc.edu.

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Faculty & Support

Photo of Katherine Honeycutt
Katherine Honeycutt
Dean of Professional Technical Education
Photo of Linda Ruthrauff
Linda Ruthrauff
CTE Dual Credit Coordinator
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