Make college more affordable by paying for tuition and fees over time. Tuition payment plans break down your tuition balance into affordable monthly payments. There's no interest, payment options are flexible, setup fees are affordable, and it's easy to enroll!
Easy online enrollment through Nelnet Business Solutions, an approved third-party vendor
Regularly scheduled payments will process on the 5th of the month.
Register for classes
If you applied for financial aid, you should wait until your financial aid has been posted to your student account before setting up a payment plan.
Payment plans are available for Winter 2025 on November 4, 2023.
You must owe a minimum of $400 to enroll in the payment plan
If you enroll for a payment plan between November 4 - 25 the required down payment is 20%. You will have 4 months of payments from December 5 - March 5
If you enroll for a payment plan between November 26 - December 24 the required down payment is 40%. You will have 3 months of payments from January 5 - March 5
If you enroll for a payment plan between December 25 - January 13 the required down payment is 60%. You will have 2 months of payments from February 5 - March 5
Last day to enroll in payment plan for Winter 2025 is January 13th
Note: All down payments and enrollments fees are processed immediately! If your down payment fails, your payment plan will be TERMINATED and you will risk being DROPPED from classes for non-payment. You must enroll in the plan before midnight on your initial tuition due date or you may be dropped from your classes
Availability of the Payment Plan is determined by Bellingham Technical College. Please be aware the College may elect not to have the Payment Plan available during specific times and dates during registration.
If your balance has changed due to changes in your class schedule or financial aid, please do not assume your balance will automatically be adjusted. You should review your Payment Plan balance online through ctcLink. You should also contact the Business Office at 360.752.8707 or email to confirm the change.
Important note regarding tuition payment plan refunds: Payments affiliated with the tuition payment plans are processed by Nelnet, not BTC. Therefore, any refunds will be issued through Nelnet and payments will be refunded to the payment method used, the only exception is American Express and ACH payments will be a physical check mailed in the student's name to the student’s address on file in registration.
Students are responsible for ensuring payments are received by Nelnet
Verify sufficient funds are available in your bank account at least one (1) day prior to the withdrawal date
Note that some bank cards have a daily withdrawal limit and may deny large tuition payments
Check with your bank if you are using a debit card. Debit cards may fail due to daily limit restrictions imposed by your bank
Be sure to add to your list of email safe senders so that you don’t miss an email notification if a payment is missed
Check your bank account monthly
If a payment is missed and there was enough money in the account, call your bank to find out why they denied the payment
Contact the BTC business office by email at or phone at 360.752.8707. Please include your name, student identification number, specific question or concern.