Emergency Funding

Emergency Funding Program

The Bellingham Technical College (BTC) Emergency Funding program provides financial assistance to students who experience financial difficulties that impact their ability to continue their education. BTC aims to make access to emergency funding as low barrier as possible and is designed to be inclusive of any BTC student experiencing emergent need. Funding is reserved for BTC students who experience unexpected expenses only. The Emergency Funding committee reviews requests no later than one week after requests are received.

Eligibility for Emergency Funding

Requests are generally approved when the funding need is due to circumstances that are out of the student’s control. Requests are generally not approved for regular ongoing expenses such as rent or utility bills however, the Emergency Funding committee may approve such requests due to other emergency and unexpected circumstances. 

Average award is $500 - Each request is determined on a case-by-case bases. 

BTC Emergency Funding eligibility criteria:

  • Must be enrolled in the current quarter and attending class 

  • Must be in good academic standing with a GPA of 2.0 & must not be on financial aid suspension

  • Must not owe past due money to BTC

  • Must complete current academic year FAFSA or WASFA to demonstrate evidence of financial need. All additional documentation required by the SFR office must be provided

  • If receiving Financial Aid, funding must fit in the student’s financial aid package

Requests will not be reviewed between enrollment periods.

Emergency Funding Application Process

Students must submit a completed Emergency Funding Request form. Responses to questions on the form should be as detailed as possible to assist the Emergency Funding committee in understanding the circumstances. The Emergency Funding committee will determine whether funds can be provided on a case-by-case basis. In some cases additional information and or documentation is needed in order to process a student request for emergency funding. Students will be notified by email of the results of their request.

Submitted statements are kept confidential. However, the Emergency Funding Committee may be subject to disclosing information per BTC Mandatory Reporting requirements.

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Hours & Contacts

Regular Hours

Mon to Thu: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Friday

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