Job Openings

Welcome to BTC's Job Application Process

The College accepts applications only for current open recruitments and only through our online application system. We do not accept paper applications, resumes, or cover letters. You can attach job specific resumes and documents to your online application for each job you apply to. Those interested in working for Bellingham Technical College are encouraged to complete a Job Interest Card to receive notification when vacancies occur.

Online applications are stored on a secure site. Only authorized employees and hiring authorities have access to the information submitted.

How to apply

All posted positions require a completed online application. You can apply online by clicking on the job title you are interested in and clicking on the "Apply" link. If this is the first time you are applying using our online job application, you will need to create an account and select a Username and Password. After your account has been established, you can build an application by clicking on the "Create Application" link. This application can be saved and used to apply for more than one job opening. If you do not have a computer or access to the web, there are other ways to access our online application system. Please contact your local Library or WorkSource location for business hours. There are also some computers located at BTC. You must be at least age 18 to be hired at BTC. BTC does not sponsor H-1B Visa's.

You must have a valid e-mail address to access the system. All notices such as application receipt and status of your application will be sent to your email account. If you do not already have an email account, you may obtain a free one at sites such as: Gmail, Hotmail, or Yahoo. Remember to keep a record of your username and password once you have set up an account. You will need it to apply for other positions or to check the status of your application.

It is important that your application show all the relevant education and experience you possess. Applications will be rejected if incomplete.

If you have difficulty logging into your account, attaching documents, submitting your application, or need other similar technical support, please call NEOGOV customer service at 1.855.524.5627. For general recruitment and job information please contact the BTC Human Resources Department at 360.752.8354 or email

Sexual Misconduct Declaration

Washington State law (RCW 28B.112.080) and Bellingham Technical College (BTC) policies and procedures prohibit BTC from hiring selected applicants* who do not complete and sign a sexual misconduct declaration prior to their start of employment.   *Applicant is defined as those applying for employment as faculty, instructor, staff, advisor, counselor, and any position in which the applicant will likely have direct ongoing contact with students in a supervisory role or position of authority.

Beginning on October 1, 2020, prior to final official offer of employment, BTC is required to ask applicants who are not already a BTC employee to sign a statement disclosing whether the applicant:

  • Is the subject of any substantiated findings of sexual misconduct in any current or former employment

  • Is currently being investigated for sexual misconduct at any current employer

  • Has left a position during an investigation into a violation of any sexual misconduct policy at any current or past employers

For any positive response, the applicant is required to provide an explanation of the situation. Failure to provide complete and accurate information will result in disqualification from employment and withdrawal of any offer of employment.

The sexual misconduct declaration authorizes the applicant’s current and past employers to disclose to BTC any sexual misconduct committed by the applicant and make available to BTC copies of all documents in the previous employer’s personnel, investigative, or other files relating to sexual misconduct, including sexual harassment, by the applicant. The declaration releases the applicant’s current and past employers, and employees acting on behalf of that employer, from any liability for providing the information in the sexual misconduct declaration. The hire will not be finalized until the completed and signed declaration is received.


If you are applying for a job at Bellingham Technical College and have a disability and need special accommodation for the application process, please contact the BTC Human Resources Office at 360.752.8354.

Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity

Bellingham Technical College does not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, creed, color, sex, gender identity or expression, citizenship or immigration status, national origin, age, religion, disability, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, genetic information, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability, pregnancy, marital status, or any other characteristic protected by federal, state, or local law in its programs, activities, and services.

The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies/Section 504: Allison Mack, Director for Human Resources, 360.752.8354, or

For Title IX compliance, contact: Michele Waltz, Vice President of Student Services, 360.752.8440, or Mailing address: 3028 Lindbergh Avenue, Bellingham, WA 98225.

BTC publications are available in alternate formats upon request by contacting the Accessibility Resources office at 360.752.8576.

Immigration Reform and Control Act requirement

Federal law requires all new employees to submit proof of eligibility to work in the United States. You must submit these documents and complete an Employment Eligibility Form (I-9) within the first 3 days of employment.

Safety & Security Information

We are pleased you have chosen Bellingham Technical College as a potential place to work. The College administration wants to assure you that, as part of the BTC community, your safety and security are of primary concern. BTC staff are committed to making our campus a safe, nurturing learning environment. Review BTC's Annual Safety & Security Report.

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Hours & Contacts

Regular Hours

Mon to Fri: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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